All of the frames and sunglasses in the John Lennon Collection are replicas of the frames John Lennon ware and these replicas are now manufactured by Demenego (Italy), under sb-license from Eagle Eyewear, Inc. and by license from Bag One Arts, Inc. and the Estate of John Lennon. All trademarks, signatures, titles and products are registered to the Estate of John Lennon and any unauthorised use or copy ( partial or whole ) will be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.
The sun-lenses of the John Lennon collection are make in Italy guaranteed " first choice " CR39 UV/400 under the norms of Brithish Standard and DIN passed at " drop ball test " Sun- lenses: F.D.A.368376 prescription frames: F.D.A. 368375 U.S.A.
In conformity with the European norms.